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The Power of Aromatherapy

Essential Oils have been used for centuries for cleaning, wound management and healing the body and mind. Essential oils are best described as plant extracts made by steaming or pressing various parts of the plant to capture the compounds that produce a fragrance. , balance

Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils for therapeutic benefits. When an essential oil is inhaled, the scent molecules in the oils travel to the olfactory nerves in the nose directly to the brain and impact the “amygdala,” which is the emotional nerve centre for the brain.    Essential oil can also be used on the skin, where it is absorbed via the bloodstream to the same brain centres and various nerve cells.

Did you know it can take several pounds of a plant to produce one bottle of essential oil? For instance, to get one single 15-millilitre bottle of rose essential oil, it takes 65 pounds of rose petals!

Essential for Your Health? Inhaling the aromas can stimulate the limbic system; it involves our emotions, behaviours, smell, breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and long-term memory. Have you ever associated a smell with a memory? This explains why certain smells can trigger memories.

How to use Essential oils

There are several ways to enjoy essential oils:

  • Add a few drops to a spray bottle filled with water and spritz on your pillow and sheets
  • Apply a few drops to a cotton ball, then put the cotton ball in your car's air vents
  • Put a few drops in your bathtub
  • Rub oil on your pulse points
  • Take a quick whiff from the bottle whenever needed
  • Use an oil diffuser or vaporizer
  • Wear jewelry specifically designed to diffuse essential oils

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